Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Tonight I have an interesting point to ponder. It's 3:15 AM and I don't appear to be tired. I've just returned from an fun filled evening with the girls, and I can't sleep. Now, I've known for some time that I like to go to bed late and sleep in the next day - my optimum schedule is the 10AM to 2AM. Not a particularly "normal" schedule, but chances are I can get the classes I attend/teach to conform to this. Is it a problem? Not necessarily, since I've chosen a profession that scoffs at the 8-5 timetable.

Where this all turns into something important - only to me, have no fear - is that it means I am apparently going to ALWAYS be the one that says "One more drink?" or "One more song!" or "One more 3.5 hour long movie!" around 1AM. While I wish that immediatlely meant I would never be the party-pooper, my innate un-coolness may act as a counter measure. What I fear is that I will be seen as the desperate girl who is the last to leave a party and keeps her hosts up WAY past their bedtimes.

Please, if you ever think I'm being uncool simply because I don't want to sleep, kick me in the shin. While a kick in the shins might have many interpretations, after 11PM it will forever mean "Let's get the heck out of here" to me.

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