Thursday, September 20, 2007


Welcome back me, in bad Italian that reminds me of the hangover bevvie of choice in Londontown, (well, it's what I drank the only time I ever WAS hung over in London!) Ribena. Which, by the way, costs 7.85 at the local Meijer's for ONE LITER. Oh, Meijer, how I admire thee for thine ability to rip off homesick foreign nationals!

I'm bealeagured, befuddled, and annoyed at myself for being awake this late the night before a long distance drive...but I miss tossing nuggets of mis-, dis- and pissy information into the universe. And by that I mean, "I am cheerfully reawakening to the world of blogging, and oh I look forward to discussing puppies, cupids, and daisies with the world wide web of human-being like peoples!"

Sleep, and do the dishes...teach, and drive 11 hours with the company of a good book on CD...and then back to rave a bit about the soap opera that life so eagerly becomes. Buona notte!

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