Monday, January 31, 2005

Can't let a good blog go to waste...

Can I? :)

After careful consideration and prodding from some charming bloggophiles, I feel it is my duty to add my senseless madness to the already staggering number of completely useless blogs out there.

Thus I shall now begin to spew forth random thoughts that only I will enjoy, in the hopes that I can stop talking to myself and/or flagging down unlucky people with whom to share said thoughts.

But lo, it is almost 5 in the morning, and I do have to sleep in order to remain awake for my most important class. I will share my night's bizarre events on the morrow, also known as "William Had a Heachache Day." The fact that there will probably be at least 4 blogs referencing this holiday is a testament to the bizarre nature of these events.

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