Sunday, November 04, 2007


As great as I am at wasting time (doing things OTHER than writing blog posts, obviously!), it's time to pare down the list of procrastination tools. National Novel Writing Month has begun, and that long awaited IDEA has finally arrived; it's time to take advantage and get my novel on. For one month it's Nano and Facebook - no other guilty distractions!

My totally-not-a-humanities-guy, big-huge-nerd boyfriend is currently beating my Nano word count, so off I go to catch up!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Welcome back me, in bad Italian that reminds me of the hangover bevvie of choice in Londontown, (well, it's what I drank the only time I ever WAS hung over in London!) Ribena. Which, by the way, costs 7.85 at the local Meijer's for ONE LITER. Oh, Meijer, how I admire thee for thine ability to rip off homesick foreign nationals!

I'm bealeagured, befuddled, and annoyed at myself for being awake this late the night before a long distance drive...but I miss tossing nuggets of mis-, dis- and pissy information into the universe. And by that I mean, "I am cheerfully reawakening to the world of blogging, and oh I look forward to discussing puppies, cupids, and daisies with the world wide web of human-being like peoples!"

Sleep, and do the dishes...teach, and drive 11 hours with the company of a good book on CD...and then back to rave a bit about the soap opera that life so eagerly becomes. Buona notte!