Thursday, August 25, 2005

Che strano

Hmm. I doubt any living soul cared enough to read this post, so just because I wanna, I'm deleting it :) Moving on and moving up, folks.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Well, whaddya expect?

Yeah, so long time no see. It ain't Procrastination Nation for nothing, folks.

I thought today was a good day to re-inaugurate my blog, seeing as today I passed from general slacker Grad Student to Grad Student that actually earns her stipend by teaching impressionable undergraduates. I figure this is the kind of thing that will keep me entertained - and thus the proverbial internet *you* entertained.

I'm exhausted from receiving blank stares from 13 students as I babble at them in Italian, followed by an Italian poetry class that was SUPPOSED to be taught in English, and then shifting gears into French to learn about the Most Influential and Bestest Writer of the 19th Century, Marcel Proust. Really, though, a truly-kick butt day in my little GradBubble and I need a bath and some crap wine before I wake up flex my skills again tomorrow.

A domani, amici.
A demain, mes amis.

*OUCH* Brain. Hurts. Too. Many. Languages. Not. Enough. Grey. Matter.